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Should You Hire A Plumber For These 3 "Easy" Jobs?

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When it comes to your home's plumbing, you probably already know there are certain tasks you should never tackle without professional help. Sewer clogs, major pipe breakages, bathroom remodels, and more are all jobs best left to the experts. However, some upgrades and repairs are much more friendly to do-it-yourselfers, and the consequences for failure are not as costly.

Still, a relatively straightforward plumbing job can often benefit from a little expert help. If you're thinking about tackling any of these three "easy" do-it-yourself tasks, consider these reasons why you might want to call in a plumber instead.

1. Showerhead Replacements

Replacing a showerhead is arguably one of the easiest plumbing tasks you can undertake, and it's not a bad first project if you're looking to get your feet wet. In most cases, the only tools you'll need for the job are some adjustable pliers, a roll of Teflon tape, some rags, and your muscles. But if the job is so easy, why would you ever want to spend the money on an expert?

The reality is that several things can go wrong when installing a showerhead. If you use too much force or don't use rags for protection, you can dent or damage your shower arm. Improperly applying the Teflon tape can also lead to leaks and create more work in the future. Since showerhead replacement is a quick and easy job for an expert, it may be worth spending a few dollars on a professional installation.

2. Leaky Sinks

Leaky sink handles and faucets are another common plumbing problem, especially in older homes. Sinks consist of a surprising number of small internal parts which can wear out with time, creating leaks or preventing the valves from fully closing. Once these parts fail, you'll discover a frustrating leak that can damage your hardware and run up your utility bills.

Disassembling a sink faucet is usually easy, but determining the faulty component can be challenging. Even worse, finding compatible replacement parts for older sinks is sometimes a surprisingly difficult job. A professional should be able to quickly recognize the problem with a leaky faucet, identify the faulty component, and find a compatible and reliable replacement part.

3. Persistent Clogged Drains

Clogged drains are another minor problem that can be much more severe than expected. An occasional clog in your sink or bathtub isn't a problem, especially if you can easily resolve the issue with a plunger or a drain snake. On the other hand, persistently slow-running drains or clogs that continually return are often warning signs of a deeper obstruction.

Ignoring the problem or doing the bare minimum to get your sink running again may mean allowing an obstruction to continue growing. In a worst-case scenario, a collapsed pipe, root intrusion, or another serious underlying issue may be to blame. A professional can use specialized equipment, such as inspection cameras, to determine the root cause, allowing them to formulate a permanent solution. 

Contact a local plumber to learn more. 
