Washing Machine Woes: Tips For Addressing Leaks

Weird Water? What Discolored Water In Your Home Could Mean

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Discolored water flowing from the faucets of a home can be concerning and may indicate an issue within the plumbing system or the water supply. There are several potential causes for discolored water, and it is important to identify the source to determine the appropriate solution.  Understand the Potential for Problems Discolored water can potentially damage your appliances. The extent of the damage depends on the cause and composition of the discoloration. Read More»

Emergency HVAC Assessment: Unresponsive System

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Experiencing an unresponsive HVAC system can be a cause for concern, especially during extreme weather conditions. If your HVAC system is not working properly or not responding at all, it’s important to take immediate action to assess the situation and potentially resolve the issue. Here are the steps to conduct an emergency HVAC assessment when dealing with an unresponsive system.  Check the Thermostat Start by checking the thermostat settings. Ensure that the thermostat is set to the appropriate temperature and mode (cooling or heating). Read More»

3 Signs Your Air Conditioning's Drain Line Has A Blockage

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Air conditioning systems remove moisture from the air as they cool. They then use drain lines to carry this liquid out of your system.  However, your system can’t drain normally if its line has a problem. These lines often get clogged up with dirt, dust, and even mold. If a line is partly or fully blocked, then your system stops working as it should. How can you tell when this happens? Read More»

A Plumber Can Provide Repairs And Maintenance To Your Home's Plumbing Shut-Off Valves

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The shut-off valves on your plumbing are important features. They can be used to turn the water off in an emergency when you have a leak, and they can also turn the water off when a plumber needs to make repairs. You have a main shut-off valve that cuts off water flow coming into your house and stops water from every faucet, and then you have shut-off valves underneath the sinks and on the toilets in your house to turn off the water to individual fixtures. Read More»

2 Signs The T&P Relief Valve On Your Home's Water Heater Is Going Bad

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When you look at your home’s water heater, on the side is a small valve called the temperature and pressure (T&P) relief valve. Since the water heater is a closed system, this valve is vital for its operation, allowing excess steam and pressure to be released so that it does not damage the tank. If this valve stops working properly, pressure will start to build up within the system, which will eventually cause major damage to the tank and the area surrounding the water heater if it were to rupture or explode. Read More»